What happened to me after July?

 Julpha Jean Olinao


They said that life must go on no matter what. Yes! This is true but how?

Last August, my grandmother died because of wounds in her eyes it became

cancerous. The same month also my grandfather (grandma’s brother) died due to

covid19-case. And last month my close relative Alita died also due to covid19-case. In

expand of two months, my emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual went down.

Due to that, I am not even willing to go to my work even thinking of resigning.

Everything of me went down resulting to get sick.

My quiet time with God got affected also, even with my other commitments and

responsibilities got affected. And it leads me to cry out to God everything and prayed to

give me rest because I just can’t bear the pain.

God answered my prayer I got more than two weeks of leave at work but I am sick. So, I

got home quarantine as advised by the doctor.

Then, in my two weeks of pursuing God, I got healed spiritually, emotionally, mentally,

and physically. Everything that went down got healed and renewed.

In that two weeks, Holy Spirit talked to me about what happened after July.

‘’ And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14


Rest in God’s presence.

This kind of rest is just lying in your bed the whole day. Based on my experience, this

rest is emerging my all into His presence. Praying, singing, reading, and meditating in

His Word, and forgetting the things that make me worry. This moment is just between

you and God.

Rest and see how God is faithful.

First, they said, trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and

your household (Acts 16:31). A promise that God uttered last September 2020 since

then, in my mind and heart I don’t know how to share with them the ‘’good news’’ been

praying, been declaring, and been rebuking strongholds into our family in Jesus Christ

name, by sharing and showing the love of God to them and by the Holy Spirit’s yield.

God assured me that my late grandmother is in His hands now. It doesn’t matter what

I’ve done or what I am or what she was before. God reminded me because He loves us.

He loves us all.

‘’For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes

in Him should not perish but have everlasting life’’ John 3:16 (NKJV)

Moreover, my Aunt Mimi posted that the loss of my late grandmother brought grace and

blessings to our family because Her children receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and

Savior. We may not understand always how God works in our lives. When trials come,

something better or even best happens in return. We just have to trust His plan. God is

awesome. He is amazing. God is faithful and good all the time.

All the glory and honor for Him alone.

I am so grateful to the people who kept interceding for the salvation of my whole family

my disciples, my disciple group leader, and my friends. Also, to my Uncle Pastor Eric

and his wife Aunt Estella who ministered and gave service in the last wake of my late

grandmother. My adviser who is my soul sister/cousin/best friend/sister in Christ Debra

planted a seed in my heart to disciple my family one at a time, and to the author of the

book ‘’Love Your Enemy’’ Marcus Young it helped me in my journey to release

forgiveness to my family.

So, after reaching my late grandma. I’m now moving to the next who is my mother.

Glory to God!

Rest and transformed life by Jesus Christ

‘’Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away;

behold, all things have become new.’’ 2 Corinthians 5”17 (NKJV)

I grew up under the care of my late grandmother because my mother needed to work

and aside from being the eldest granddaughter, I’m her favorite hehe the whole family

knew that. Okay as I remember, I have had this kind of bad behavior before. And

during elementary to early high school time, I stole money from her wallet. My late

grandmother witnessed that all and disciplined me not to do it again.

So let’s fast forward, I met Jesus Christ during my college years and He transformed my

life then possibly my late grandma witnessed it. As a result, she trusted me with her

money. She puts into my bank account all of it.

And then, for the 3 days of her wake funeral, I’ve been the one holding and budgeting

the expenses. See? Only Jesus Christ can transform someone’s life. Indeed, all of my

family trusted me. All for the glory of God!

Rest and be renewed in His presence.

‘’But those who wait on the Lord

Shall renew their strength;

They shall mount up with wings like eagles,

They shall run and not be weary,

They shall walk and not faint’’ Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)

Yes! Amen! My year is not that kind of easy but still, my heart remains at peace

because of God. And now, I am ready to go back to work and my other commitments. I

am not sick anymore. I am healed got an RT-PCR test for detecting the covid19 virus

and its negative. And now, I am ready for the LORD. Honor and glory only belong to



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