A New Way Of Looking At Troubles

- Anbiya Anto

 A life filled with only happiness is not exciting but when you face troubles in your life, you will find strength in God through which you can endure it.

At times when we face obstacles in life, our one step closer to success takes all other previous steps to crash down but do not worry as our Father in heaven is testing our faith in Him. We face insecurities in life which causes us to become flawless, we face loneliness so that we become independent, we face weakness so that God's strength is made perfect in us.

As it says in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”. Therefore I will boast more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me...

Because when I am weak, I am strong.

Yes, people don't see what we win at but point at us every time we fail, but don't let them judge you only let them correct you. When we take our ancestors as examples, we understand that they ran their good race to eternity. It was never easy for them. It took them great effort, hardships, persecutions, and trials to reach eternal life. They all had to go through pain and sorrow. Even gold must be put through the burning furnace to be pure gold.

From the Holy Bible, Paul is an example which shows us that there will be hard
times in life but you should take them as a privilege to suffer for Christ. Through all the persecution Paul pushed himself to reach his destiny. God's love is beyond what we can imagine. And we ought to trust in him and his plans for us in the future, as it says in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future…”.

Give everything to his hands and he will take care of it. He can do all things as he has never lost any battle and he never will. He sees right through you and your flaws, you're fully known and loved by God.

Yes, there will be a point of time when your friends and family will leave you. When you feel down and broken with no hope. Even at that time, Abba Father will not leave you; he will hold your right hand and lead you in the right path. He will fight till you're found and even leave the ninety-nine for your sake.

And never forget who brought you till here in your life. Be grateful for all that he has blessed you with, the food you eat and the roof above your head. Help others with the word of God and give them the hope the Lord God has granted to you by paying the price on the cross.

May God bless you all


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