Confidence In Christ

-  Rev. Pascoal D'Silva

It is going to be more than a month that restrictions have been put to avoid the spread of this virus (CoViD-19). Around the world, there have been strict measures – and as some analysts and media have called it a global crisis comparing it to the second world war, and the list of such discussions is countless, to add, the social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook, etc are being used by people to spread fear and anxiety. We normally justify our actions by claiming that it is our right to information. The messages and the notifications that we receive are like the storm that apostle Peter faced when walking on water. We pray for hours and hours and suddenly we receive notifications or messages that talk about the virus spread and fatalities. And within seconds all faith that we had to walk on the water is completely shaken. The next thing we know is that we are drowning in the water of fear and doubt. 

More than bringing a message of comfort and assurance, the media at large becomes a tool for Satan to run havoc. We may laugh at it but it is a serious matter that we need to consider as Christians.  

The news communicated to us can run havoc in our life – today more than ever we are emotionally or physically hit by the storms of life – called a crisis. And, while most of us know that we should PRAY MORE and TRUST GOD MORE, for some reason, we don’t do it. I struggle with the question, “Why don’t I pray as I ought to?”

The answer, I think, is fairly simple: I don’t pray as I ought to because I’m self-sufficient, which the Bible calls pride. My pride makes me think, erroneously, that I can handle things by myself with little help now and then from God. So, I rely mostly on myself and the least on God. I disregard the word of God, “Without Me, you can do nothing” (John 15:5). So God graciously brings trials in my life to show me my great need so that I will look to my great God in prayer and trust Him to work on my behalf. The other reason of not praying is I believe in men more than God; I believe in the theory of coincidence more than miracles, I believe in creation more than the Creator; I believe in natural more than the supernatural. 

A sister who was working in Bangalore all by herself for a multinational company felt unwell and as days went by she started feeling breathless and palpitation. She could not sleep for days and have known the symptoms she felt that she might have contracted the virus. The family members and believers started praying for this sister. The next day she went for testing and she tested negative. The medical experts who were assuming it to be a virus, suddenly changed their views after she was tested negative. They said it was stress.  

The TRUTH is a Great God had intervened at the time of Great need and healed the sister through trust and
faith, through prayers.

(Isaiah 53:4-5 " Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds, we are healed. "NIV)  

Prayer: - Abba Father, in this time of our great need we call out to you. You are an awesome God; your love endures forever and your grace abounds every moment. Without you, we cannot do anything and so we pray in the name of Jesus to yield in your word and accept you as our Lord and Saviour. Amen


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